2025-2026 APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PERIOD IS OPEN. All materials, including reference letters and official transcripts, are due April 20th, 2025 at midnight PST.

We will contact qualified applicants for interviews. The Zoom interview date will be in early May 2025. Exact date TBD.
Scholarship Awards are at committee discretion.

Please send your application to the following e-mail address:

Electronic Transcript is preferred, however please mail membership fee (and official transcript if hard copy) to the following address:

Polish University Club of Los Angeles
3400 W Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90018


  1. Permanent residence in California from one of the following four counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Ventura, and San Bernardino.  Permanent residency is evidenced by holding a California driver license or California identification card and/or designating California as the permanent address on all school, employment, or military records.
  2. Attendance at an accredited 4-year college or university issuing a bachelor’s or higher degree.
  3. College sophomore or better status as of August 1, 2025.

Documents to be submitted: (forms available below)

  • Scholarship Application Checklist
  • Scholarship Application
  • Membership Application with payment of $20 student membership dues.
  • Most recent official transcript sent directly by your university (We will NOT accept transcripts sent by applicants). Please order your official transcript directly from your university in advance, as this process can take days or weeks.
  • One letter of recommendation sent by your college instructor from their university email address.
  • One letter of character reference sent from a responsible person who is a respected and established member of the community. You may not use members of your immediate family, other applicants or children. Please inform your reference that email submission is preferred.
  • A recent, identifiable digital photograph. Photo may be used for publicity purposes – on PUCLA Web site, in program booklets, etc.
  • A copy of your most recent tuition invoice only for the quarter or semester. This will be held in strict confidence. Please submit electronically.
  • A concise, informative and factual autobiography along with a brief Statement of Merit describing why you believe you deserve this scholarship. This should be no longer than 500 words and should not exceed 1 page single-spaced.
  • Curriculum Vitae (Resumé) which includes education, employment history, community / volunteer activity and membership in Polish-American organizations.
  • A 7–10 page research paper on any aspect of Polish history or culture. Instructions can be found here.

Other requirements:

  1. Attendance at a personal interview (in May, exact date TBD) via Zoom. The Scholarship Chairperson will notify you of your interview time after reviewing your application. Interviews usually last between 15-20 minutes and may be scheduled at any time during the day. If you anticipate a scheduling conflict, please notify the Scholarship Chairperson at the time of submittal. Accommodations are not guaranteed. Interviews may NOT be scheduled for any other day. Interviews are held once a year only.
  2. Attendance at our PUCLA fundraiser for scholarship presentation. Recipients who are unable to attend must send a representative in their place. Failure to attend the fundraiser or send a representative will result in a $50 fee, which will be deducted from the award amount. We are currently planning for a summer scholarship luncheon in June 2025, exact date TBD.

Applicant evaluation is based upon character, academic standing, and financial need. Scholarship awards are at committee discretion.

Application Forms Download:

Please e-mail any questions or comments to puclainfo@gmail.com.
Non-sensitive content from your application may be used on our website.